Object of the Month


Letter from Eleanor `Nora` Saltonstall to Eleanor B. Saltonstall and Muriel Saltonstall, 4 July 1919 Manuscript

Letter from Eleanor "Nora" Saltonstall to Eleanor B. Saltonstall and Muriel Saltonstall, 4 July 1919


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  • [ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

    埃莉诺(诺拉)索尔顿斯托尔在给母亲的一封信中描述了一次穿越西部的“汽车露营”之旅, Eleanor, and sister, Muriel, written on 4 July 1919. Nora, as she was called by family and friends, 第一次世界大战期间,她作为一名志愿者在法国服役,最近刚回来,她把这次旅行描述为“一个光荣的梦想."


    诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔于1894年出生在马萨诸塞州的栗山,是理查德·M·索尔顿斯托尔的女儿. and Eleanor Brooks Saltonstall. 她成长的家庭的起源可以追溯到新英格兰的建立, 但也有很强的公共服务传统:她的哥哥莱弗里特后来当选为州长和美国参议员. 诺拉曾就读于波士顿的温莎学校和巴黎的费里斯小姐学校. She was a Boston debutante, 同时,他也是一名运动员和户外活动的热心参与者——他是一名骑手和水手,还喜欢钓鱼.

    When the First World War began in 1914, 诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔开始参加备战活动,1917年10月,她作为红十字会志愿者回到法国. She aided refugees in Paris for a few months, 但很快就寻求在更靠近前线的地方担任更积极的角色. In January 1918, 她在给家人的信中解释了她转到法国一家流动外科医院的红十字会工作人员的原因, 在那里,她必须平衡自己对更重要、更有成就感的服务的渴望与对家庭的自然关怀, especially her father, for her safety:

    Don't look upon me as headstrong & seeking excitement; I'm not, but I have been hunting for a job which is real work & which is a direct help, even if it is the tiniest drop in the bucket, to the ultimate close of the war. I have the necessary physical attributes, young & strong & unattached, & in war time we must not be timorous or worry, we must all go ahead & take a chance.

    Over the following ten months, working as a driver and mechanic, she saw a great deal of active duty, and received the Croix de Guerre in November 1918 在当年早些时候德军的最后一次大规模进攻中,他在炮火下疏散平民. 她奖章绶带上的铜星表明她曾在派遣中被提及. In March 1919, when she returned to the United States, 诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔重新开始了她离开的活跃的社交和户外生活, 6月,她前往西部,加入朋友凯瑟琳·塞耶·拉塞尔和她十几岁的儿子哈里的西部国家公园自驾游:从约塞米蒂向北到火山口湖和太平洋西北部, and then east to Glacier National Park, Yellowstone, and Jackson Hole. 诺拉和她的同伴打算开车穿越美国来完成他们的旅行.

    "The Best of All Was Crater Lake"

    诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔的旅行是新一代游客早在1901年就开始的“汽车入侵西部”的一部分, when early automobiles were prevented from entering Yosemite Park. 汽车旅行很快改变了参观国家公园和风景名胜的特点. 尽管到1919年,诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔已经是一位经验丰富的司机和汽车修理工了, 她和朋友们乘坐的皮尔斯-阿罗(Pierce-Arrow)轿车是一辆由司机驾驶的“露营车”,从车的两侧延伸出帐篷. 每个人(包括哈里·塞耶的家庭教师)都忙着做饭和做家务,这趟旅行变成了一段田园诗般的旅程——也许是为了诺拉的利益——从一个最好的钓鱼地点到另一个。

    The last few days have been almost the best of all. 如果你看俄勒冈州的地图,你会看到罗格河,我们在这条河上露营过好几次. 它以捕鱼而闻名,大部分时间在森林中穿行 & is very beautiful. You know the pictures you see of fishing in the West, broad rivers bounded by big pines, well, that is just the sort of thing we have been enjoying. The best of all however was Crater Lake. 我很惊讶,你在东方没有听到更多利记APP官网手机版它的消息,因为它要非凡得多 & marvelous than the Yosemite. 它海拔7000英尺,是一个湖泊,一个大约6英里宽的火山口 & almost perfectly round.

    在火山口湖,尽管是七月,诺拉还是艰难地穿过雪原去钓鱼 was photographed proudly holding her catch, writing "never have I enjoyed 3 hours more". 

    就在旅行者们离开火山口湖的时候,诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔的旅程出现了不愉快的转折. By the time they reached Portland, 一个多星期以来,年轻的哈里·塞耶一直感到“不舒服”,血液检查表明他感染了伤寒. 哈利的母亲和诺拉预计,哈利的恢复期将会持续很长时间, so they canceled the rest of their trip. Remaining in Portland as Harry slowly recovered, it became clear that Nora also had contracted typhoid. 虽然她的父母能够到达她的身边,但她于1919年8月2日在那里去世. She was 24.

    A New Exhibition

    诺拉·索尔顿斯托1919年7月4日从火山口湖寄来的信在马萨诸塞州历史学会展出,作为该学会展览的一部分, Yankees in the West. Through a selection of letters, diaries, artifacts, photographs, and drawings, 展览探索了新英格兰人在19世纪末和20世纪初经历横跨密西西比西部的方式,包括, through the letters and photographs of Nora Saltonstall, the advent of auto-camping. Yankees in the West is on display until 6 April 2017. 展览周一至周六上午10点至下午4点免费向公众开放.

    Further Reading

    The Overseas War Record of the Winsor School, 1914-1919. [Boston, 1919]

    Even though Nora Saltonstall survived the war, 温莎学校将她列为“死亡为牺牲加冕”的四名校友之一,并以她的名义颁发了学生奖学金,供她去巴黎学习.

    Pomeroy, Earl. In Search of the Golden West: The Tourist in Western America. Second edition. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990.

    Saltonstall, Eleanor. Eleanor Saltonstall Papers, 1911-1926 (bulk: 1911-1919), Massachusetts Historical Society.

    ---. Nora Saltonstall Papers and Photographs.

    诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔的材料样本由马萨诸塞州历史学会持有,作为该学会的一部分,可以在网上找到 Highlights from the Saltonstall Family Collections 

    ---. 《利记手机官网》:诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔的一战书信. Edited by Judith S. Graham. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2004.

    朱迪思·格雷厄姆(Judith Graham)的诺拉·索尔顿斯托尔(Nora Saltonstall)战争信件版还包括她的日记摘录,以及利记APP官网手机版她短暂一生的极其有用的传记和背景信息.